May 31, 2006

Bar: Carrots of Neurosis

Some of this bar review stuff is quite boring.

So far (exactly 10 days in), I'm dealing with it by putting myself on a strict work-to-earn rewards program. Ordinarily, I'm a planner, but thanks to the bar, I'm taking planning to the next level -- planned self-bribes.

For each one to two hour chunk of scheduled studying, I find myself setting up the next pleasure to be earned. The rewards are, more often than not, just regular old life stuff that wouldn't ordinarily seem like something to look forward to, but in the face of bar studies, they become imminently fascinating.

It's not that bar studies suck, per se. I've actually found myself enjoying parts of it thus far. It's just that they are *very* dry and I find myself in need of motivation to get and keep going throughout the day.

In case you need an idea of how dry I'm finding this stuff, here's the low down on how I've bribed myself through the work I've done so far today:

Reward #1
I let myself come home to make lunch from scratch (mmm... scrambled eggs with cheese, homemade cilantro-chile-cucumber salsa, and bread) and call a friend as my reward for staying awake during the full 4 hour lecture.

Reward #2
Then I hit the books for an hour or so with the promise of letting myself open the box that came from UPS today. Sure, I know what's in it. I ordered it. But opening any box or mail holds fun for me in some strange childlike way. It didn't disappoint.

Reward #3
Post box-opening, I made it through the next hour with the promise of a workout. But, I then thought better of it and instead did dishes and allowed myself to blog.

Rewards #4, 5, & 6
From here, I've got plans to go heads down 'til E comes home. That one's difficult since the length isn't totally in my control. But, since it's the best part of my day, it's the easiest one to work towards. I already know that trick from finals, so I'll continue to take advantage of that and try to stay focused. Then, after E and I briefly catch up, I'll try to fit in another two or three chunks between dinner, yoga, and bed.

Good times.

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